Referred by: Lacey Lowndes

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MagnaWave can help improve performance, relieve pain, improve sleep, and prevent illness. MagnaWave is widely used around the world on everyday people, as well as equine athletes and small animals.

PEMF is said to stimulate cell metabolism, increase oxygenation, circulation of blood and lymph, and reduce pain and inflammation. Magna Wave PEMF is thought to increase ATP levels and the signal is able to penetrate the cell wall to increase its permeability, deliver more oxygen and rid waste products such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid, heavy metals, helping the body heal itself naturally.  The signal can penetrate deep into all tissue in the body including muscle, bone, organs, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.  Many clinical trials have demonstrated that PEMF works by stimulating cells electrically, magnetically, chemically, and physically. These beneficial effects are harnessed to treat tendon and ligament injury, sore backs, sore knees, chronic soreness, sore shoulders, non-union fractures, chronic internal inflammation, non-healing wounds, and much more.

Is MagnaWave PEMF therapy for me?

With MagnaWave PEMF therapy, anyone suffering from pain and inflammation can feel better and stay active.  Competitive humans or animals can stay in peak condition and recover quickly from the stress of competition.  

Routine use of MagnaWave can improve the body’s ability to repair cells, recover and rejuvenate.  By stimulating cell metabolism, pulsed electromagnetic fields are thought to trigger a chain of processes in the body that can lead to improvement of health without side effects.

PEMF therapy works by improving cellular function and health at the molecular level.  The process enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself and relieves pain quickly and naturally.  This allows for improved training with less pain and injury, which leads to better performance and potentially a longer career.  Results are felt immediately with continued improvement over time, and as with any therapy, additional sessions are key to overall success.  MagnaWave PEMF is the wave of the future for health and wellness!

What is PEMF Therapy?

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field or PEMF is a technology that’s been used for several decades on both humans and animals for healing injuries and improving health. It has been the subject of extensive research that has acknowledged its safe and effective use and is also FDA approved for certain ailments. PEMF therapy uses technology to stimulate and exercise cells to help resolve cellular dysfunction and support overall wellness. 

PEMF technology works by reinvigorating areas of your body that may be functioning at lower levels than they could be. By generating pulsed electromagnetic fields in the targeted area(s), PEMF creates energy at a cellular level, effectively stimulating the body by solving cellular dysfunction and aiding in its natural healing and regulatory processes. PEMF therapy treats your cells like batteries by amplifying your natural energy, realigning the electricity in your cells and encouraging your body to function more effectively. 


How are Treatments Administered? 

Treatments are usually given supine (laying on your back), sometimes seated or even standing. The energy passes through clothing. No disrobing is necessary. Treatments are comfortable and range from 30 minute up to 1 hr. The patient will hear a clicking at each impulse. The treatments are safe. (However, pregnant women, people with pacemakers or other battery-operated implanted stimulators would not be treated.) Since the therapy increases cellular functions, not only is the cell more permeable to the good metabolites coming into the cell, but also toxins leaving the cell. This cleanses the cell. The patient needs to increase water consumption to wash these toxins quickly away. Failure to do this may result in headache or malaise until they leave the body.

What Are the Benefits of PEMF Therapy? 

The FDA started approving PEMF back in 1979 for bone loss, and it was even used by NASA to support astronauts when they returned to Earth. The FDA made additional approvals in 1987 for post-operative edema and pain, in 2004 as an adjunct to cervical fusion surgery, and in 2011 for depression. With over 3,000+ clinical research studies demonstrating the benefits of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, it provides an outstanding drug-free, non-invasive and pain-free option for millions of people worldwide, from athletes to the elderly, from acute injuries to preventative wellness, PEMF has numerous benefits.

Stress is largely considered the root of many biological issues. PEMF has been shown to affect brain function and help facilitate repair of cells that may have been damaged due to stress. When your cells are no longer struggling to function, your sleep quality and mood may also improve. PEMF has been shown to support bone density and joint function and aids in the body's natural performance and recovery systems including improving energy and circulation (both blood and lymph) and reducing pain and inflammation. It can also help support a healthy immune system. PEMF is beneficial for virtually every health issue because with regular use it can help to provide the energy necessary to reestablish healthy cells.

While we can always go outside and lay on the earth, the earth’s electromagnetic field (EMF) is safe and beneficial, however modern technology like mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and computer screens produce an EMF at an extreme level that bombards every cell in your body with detrimental energy. These unhealthy energies block the natural frequencies from the earth that are vital for life and disrupt cellular metabolism. PEMF therapy helps restore this disruption in electrical current to a normal state, which promotes overall wellness.

PEMF therapy works with your body’s own recovery processes, improving cellular energy which supports your body’s natural ability to heal itself and function optimally. It’s safe, painless, quick and even relaxing. 

DISCLAIMER:  The PEMF therapy machine is NOT a medical device and its intended use is as an alternative form of therapy.  Our services are NOT intended to diagnose, treat and/or cure any specific illness and/or condition, and should be used as a complement to licensed professional(s) and/or veterinary care. The content provided herein is information ONLY and is NOT to be construed and/or intended instead of licensed professional(s) and/or veterinary care and/or advice. FOR SERIOUS INJURIES AND/OR CONDITIONS, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL OR VETERINARIAN BEFORE SEEKING TREATMENT.