


Please text within 24 hrs to cancel

Contraindications/Sick Policy

Massage is contraindicated when a client is under the influence, or when a client presents symptoms of illness such as fever, rash or contagious infection. To protect the health and safety of both clients and therapist, your appointment will be rescheduled if presenting symptoms with no penalty. However, please reschedule as soon as you begin feeling unwell to allow others to book in your place. All surfaces are sanitized between clients. All linens, including top blanket and towels are used for one session only before being laundered. Hand washing takes place before, after, and occasionally during a session, and the sick policy is strictly enforced. However, as some diseases can be contagious while the carrier is asymptomatic, there are no guarantees against contracting illness, even with the most utmost care. Please take this into consideration if you or your loved ones have compromised immune systems.

  • Do not come if you are sick or have been compromised

    Late Clients

    If you arrive late to your appointment, time may be taken from your session to avoid penalizing the following client. You will be charged the full amount for your session.

    Sexual Harassment

    Massage is strictly non-sexual, and I have a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment of any kind, including but not limited to solicitations for extras, suggestive comments, or inappropriate touch. Do not engage in this behavior. Your session will be immediately terminated, you will be charged in full for your appointment, authorities & family will be contacted for severe offenses.